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Most women experience dimpled flesh, also called cellulite, on the thighs, hips, or buttocks. It can be nearly impossible to eliminate with traditional options, leaving you feeling self-conscious about how you look in swimsuits, shorts, and skirts. Avéli cellulite treatment is a game changer for our West Des Moines, Ames, Ankeny, and Davenport, IA, patients, effectively improving the appearance of cellulite from the inside out with a single minimally invasive procedure. 

What Is Cellulite? 

Cellulite is caused by fibrous bands, also called septa, that connect your skin to the structures below. In some cases, the septa can stiffen and shrink, causing the fat under the skin to bulge between the septa. This results in dimpling on the surface of your skin and makes your skin look bumpy and uneven. 

Aveli cellulite treatment for buttocks before and after photo 1

How Does Avéli Work? 

Dr. Carlisle performs Avéli treatments in the office using a handheld device with a lighted probe. The probe is inserted under the skin and guided directly to the septa causing your cellulite, where it will release the fibrous bands. Once the fibrous bands are severed, you will see smoother skin.  

Most patients typically need just one session to improve their cellulite. The procedure is performed using a local anesthetic and takes around an hour. 

Aveli cellulite treatment for buttocks before and after photo 2

What Is Recovery Like After Avéli? 

Most patients are back to their regular activities within a day or two after treatment, although strenuous exercise should wait until healing is complete. You may notice some mild discomfort after Avéli, but that will resolve within the first week. Bruising and swelling are also common. Wearing compressive clothing for the first few weeks post-procedure helps reduce swelling. 

For the first month after treatment, be sure to protect your skin from the sun to prevent pigmentation in the treated areas. Wear protective clothing and apply sunscreen when you go outdoors.  

When Will I See the Results After My Treatment? 

You should see begin to see smoother skin approximately 2 weeks after your Avéli treatment. It will take around 1 month for all swelling and bruising to subside so you can see your full results. 

Am I a Good Candidate for Avéli? 

You might be a good candidate for this cellulite treatment if you meet the following criteria: 

  • You are in good physical health. 
  • You have realistic expectations about your results. 
  • You feel self-conscious about dimpling on certain areas of your body. 
  • You want effective, long-lasting results from your cellulite treatment. 

What’s Next? 

Although cellulite does not typically cause discomfort, it can impact your quality of life and body confidence. Our experienced team will take the time to understand your concerns and create a customized cellulite treatment plan. To learn more about the benefits of Avéli, request a consultation or call us at (515) 277-5555 to schedule an appointment. 

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